Safran Vectronix - Support analysis of the IT strategy

Safran Vectronix. Support analysis of the IT strategy
Identifying gaps and defining recommended action

Safran Vectronix. Support analysis of the IT strategy
Identifying gaps and defining recommended action

Heinz Tschanett
Director Information Systems, Safran Vectronix AGChallenge
Safran Vectronix has a comprehensive IT strategy derived from the corporate strategy. The IT strategy was developed in an inside-out manner and communicated mainly at management level. The results of an employee survey on the IT strategy and the inside-out focus motivated Safran Vectronix to have the strategy challenged by diselva.
With the help of a structured digital maturity questionnaire for all employees, diselva analyzed the existing IT strategy and its anchoring in the company. The focus was on different areas, such as the impact on collaboration within and outside the company, or individual digital skills.
Based on the analysis, strategic focus points, gaps in breadth and depth were defined and recommendations for action were outlined, not only for IT-specific topics, but also for topics such as processes, organization and communication. These recommendations were presented, documented and handed over to Safran Vectronix, including a methodical proposal for the deepening of the IT strategy by diselva.
The structured approach to the analysis of digital maturity, which was tailored to Safran Vectronix, helped us to substantiate internal theses and at the same time to identify blind spots. With the identified focus areas and recommendations for action, Safran Vectronix can better integrate the expectations of its employees and, more importantly, its customers into its IT strategy and implement the subsequent operationalization of the issues.